Atoms & Stars: Contents of Hardcopy Anthology

(underscored materials are also available on line; numbers refer to page numbers in hard copy anthology)

Preface . . . v

In Praise of Literacy (Sagan) . . . vii

Class Syllabus . . . ix

Part I: The Nature of Science / Atmospheric Pressure

Class Activity: Mystery of the Temperamental Aluminum Can . . . 1

We are all Scientists (T. H. Huxley) . .  5

Science and Hypothesis (I. M. Copi) . . . 9

The Development of the Concept of Atmospheric Pressure (Conant) . . . 17

Class Activity: Predictions of Torricelli’s Sea of Air Hypothesis  . . . 27

Conceptual Activity: The Nature of Science . . . 29

Gambling Anyone?  Doubleup! . . . 35

Case Histories in Science: 

  • Scientific Inquiry (Hempel) . . . 38
  • The Story of the [Martian] Canals (Moore) . . . 40
  • Crop Circles (Sagan) . . . 50
  • Science and the Spirits (Tyndall) . . . 53
  • The Speed of Light  . . . 59
  • Part II: Atoms

    Atomic Nature of Matter (Hewitt) . . . 66

    Class Activity: The Chemical Composition of Water  . . . 80

    Part III: Greek Science & Mathematics

    The Greek Mind (H. D. F. Kitto)  . . . 83

    Thales of Miletus (H. D. F. Kitto)  . . . 84

    Euclid . . . 85

    Strato (Farrington), Aristarchus, and the Legacy of Greek Science . . . 91

    What Do Mathematicians Do? (Dewdney) . . . 101

    Take Home Exercise: Archimedes' Exploits  . . . 103

    Part IV: Astronomy

    An Inventory of the Universe (Hamburg) . . . 121

    Class Activity: The Size of the Solar System . . . 129

    Phases of the Moon: A Take-Home Exercise . . . 135

    Black Holes (Asimov) . . . 138

    Our Moon (Spangenburg & Moser) . . . 140

    The Telescope, Galileo, and Dogma (Boorstein) . . . 146

    Conceptual Activity: Quo Vadis, Jupiter?. . . 162

    The Planet Mars and Kepler's Three Laws of Planetary Motion  . . . 163

    What do we mean by natural laws?—The Cold Equations (Tom Godwin) . . . 172

    The Red World (Moore). . . 186

    Mars in the Solar System (Moore) . . . 190

    Skimming the Milky Way (Bill Nye) . . . 199

    Part V: The Greenhouse Effect (where Astronomy and Ecology Meet)

    The Greenhouse Effect . . . 203

    Climate change warning (BBC). . . 208

    Reality Check (Gelbspan). . . 210

    2001 Was the 2nd Hottest, Confirming a Trend, U.N. Says. . . 213

    Class Activity: Can CO2 Trap Heat? . . . 214

    Part VI:  Extraterrestrials and the Colonization of Space?

    Reflections on the Possibility of Extraterrestrial Life (Asimov) . . . 218

    The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (Sagan & Drake) . . . 221

    Tests on Mars rock reveal life can jump between planets . . . 229

    Suppose Aliens did Come, then What?—The Star Beast (Gray) . . . 231

    First Step to the Stars?—The Martian Base (Moore) . . . 236

    Part VII: The Nature of Science Revisited

    What is Science?   . . . 241

    Retrospective Reflections on Atoms & Stars   . . . 255

    Acknowledgments . . . 258

    A Partial Glossary . . . 259

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