Dear Friends,


I was toying with several ideas about this online class.  Some of you were also kind enough to give me very useful advice.  But I didn’t have sufficient time to follow their leads, and I do not know anything about your computer skills.  As well, last semester I had one online session with Blackboard, and students complained that I asked too much of them.  So, for this preliminary experiment, we shall not have an online class, but an e-mail class.  We shall go back and forth, you and I, e-mailing to each other.  If you tell me next week that this experiment worked, we shall expand it in the future to a full online format.


My e-mail:

My phone for the duration (only if you get stuck tonight): 248.427.1957


Remember:  There are 20 of you and one of me, so I may not be able to keep up.  I shall take your e-mails and calls as fast as I can—but that may not be fast enough!


Online Class One, Section I: Improving our Internet Research Skills


1.                             Go to our class webpage: (add this to your favorites now, please, on your home computer—that way, you can access this class, whenever you want, without typing the entire address over and over again).

2.                             Visit Readings for this class:

(add this to your favorites now on your computer, please)

3.                             How do you pronounce ( the following words:  pandemic, Similar, Iraq?  What is the definition of pandemic? (simply cut and paste the definition from Merriam-Webster online) Answer in red font here.  Likewise, what is the definition of brutality? Answer in red font here

4.                             Search WSU people: (add this to your favorites now, please).  What’s your classmate’s Alice Faye Dailey e-mail?  Answer in red font  here What is Prof. James Michels’ middle name?  Answer in red font  here What is Dr. Michels’ work phone number? Answer in red font here

5.                             ISP: (add this to your favorites now, please).   Is ISP3991 taught this semester?  Answer in red font  here The professors are? Answer in red font  here

6.                             To find a WSU class: (add this to your computer’s favorites now, please)

7.                             What are the nearest buildings to WSU’s Undergraduate Library? (add this to your favorites now, please).  Answer in red font here. 

8.                             Library catalog: this to your favorites now, please).  Replace the keyword tab with title tab.  a. What is the Call # of Athenian Legacies. Answer in red font.  Which library has it?  Answer in red font  Can it be checked out? Answer in red font

9.                             Go to: (add this to your favorites now, please).  Now, go to  advanced search, looking ONLY at university sites (choose only EDU domain), and find out possible answers to this question:  What’s another name for the country of Myanmar?  Answer in red font here please  In size, that country  equivalent to which American state? Answer in red font 

10.                      The internet, of course, has numerous practical applications as well.  Let me give you one example.  The European currency is called the Euro, the American currency is called the U.S. dollar.  Today, you have to pay $1.41 for one Euro.  But it is extremely interesting to explore the historical relationship between the two currencies.  Here is one way to find out.

a.         Go to

b.        Go to TOOLS, and click on Currency Charts.

c.         This will give you today’s fluctuations for the Dollar/Euro pair.  What is the exchange rate right now?  Answer in red here.

d.        Now find TIME SCALE & PERIOD.  Choose DAILY, then 10 YEARS.  Explain in words, what happened to the exchange rate in the past 10 years, in rough outline?  Answer in red here.

e.         Which major political development in the USA most likely triggered the dollar’s decline? Answer in red here.

f.          What does that decline mean to you, if you plan to spend one month traveling in France? Answer in red here.

g.        Now, the real hard question:  What are the reasons for the decline of the once-almighty dollar? Answer in red here.


OK, edit your work now.  Save it as YourNameOLSec1.doc and send it to me.  Take a break, and, hopefully, within a few minutes I shall send you some limited feedback on your work and the next section.


Section II: Amplifying Class Readings with Internet Activities

1.        Listen to and watch: Pretty Boy Floyd:

2.        Read the lyrics for this song in your coursepack, p. 17.

3.        Answer these two questions, in red font of course: a. Which critical event made Floyd an outlaw? answer in red font here  b.  Woody Guthrie, the writer of the song, draws a comparison between outlaws on one hand, and cops and bankers on the other.  Which of the two, on balance, is more decent, according to him?  answer in red font hereWhy?answer in red font here

4.        The singer in youtube mentions the book Grapes of Wrath.  Use Wayne State Library catalogue ( to find out:  Who is the writer of that book?  answer in red font here  When was the book written? answer in red font here In a few sentences, what is the book all about?  answer in red font here  What is common to this book and to Guthrie’s song, Pretty Boy Floyd?  answer in red font here

5.        This song was written in 1939.  Read the following article, published today:   Now answer in red font:  a. Who is the writer? (see bottom of article) answer in red font here  b. summarize his article in one long, complex, sentence. answer in red font here c. Compare it to the Floyd’s situation, to the tasering of a Florida student we saw in class. answer in red font here In particular, is police brutality better or worse now in the USA than it had been in Floyd’s days.  answer in red font here

6.        Finally, if you lived in Oklahoma at the time, and served as a juror in Floyd’s trial, would you find him guilty or innocent? answer in red font here Why? answer in red font here


OK, edit your work now.  Save it as YourNameOLSec2.doc and send it to me.  Take a break, and, hopefully, within a few minutes I shall send you some limited feedback on your work and the next—and final—section.


Section 3: Saving Michigan’s Economy: Building an Irresistible Car


We shall begin to work on this project tonight, and continue working on it, as a team, throughout the next few weeks.  Our goal is to develop a plan to improve the economic well-being of our state.  If we believe that our idea is workable, we may submit our final proposal to Governor Granholm.


Our research project will involve the question:  Can a conventional (not hybrid) car that is as cheap, safe, and reliable as the Honda Civic, but that is three times as efficient, be constructed in the State of Michigan?   Can a 100-mpg car be constructed?   Will one of the big three do this on its own, or will it take government action to bring this about?  Why hasn’t such a car been built in the last 100 years?  What would be the impact of such a car on our economy, environment, health, and personal quality of life?


In this section, I only wish to open the question, and have you read a couple of articles which introduce the subject.  Next week, in class, we’ll decide whether to continue developing this cooperative research project, and how we can best go about it. 


For now, please read this article:


Here, I’d like you to:

1.        With a close computer screen, summarize  the main point of the article in one long sentence. Red font here

2.        The author demonstrates his main point with the example of the typewriter.  Could we type much faster than we do now?  Red font here   How?  Red font here    Why don’t we do it? Red font here   

3.        Provide a detailed summary of the section about Volvo. Red font here

4.        Find one other article or a book (if you took the class Living in the Environment, Miller’s book with the same title covers this subject in detail) that deals with this subject, provide the needed link or reference, and summarize its main point.  Red font here  Prepare a presentation of your summary for next week’s class.


Don’t forget:  Next week you will:

·              Give an oral presentation on your car article

·              be prepared for class discussion on questions 7-9 (p. 9), and  read: Elephant Ear (Aiken), She Sings Me  to Sleep with Laughter (White), Excerpts from An Open Heart (Dalai Lama)


Thanks for your patience.


OK, edit your work now.  Save it as YourNameOLSec3.doc and send it to me.  You’re done with today’s online class.

  Class Gateway      

Moti Nissani's Homepage

Dept. of Interdisciplinary Studies