By Michael Lund

I have always tried to live my life under the premise of "do unto others as

you would have others do unto you". I am not a practicing religious person,

but I do believe in this way of living your life. "The Selfish Giant"

reminded me of this idea, which I was starting to forget as I was getting

caught up in the mess of my own life. It also made me wonder why people

treat others so horribly in this day and age. If you want others to treat

you kindly, then you must do the same for them. So many people are rude and

obnoxious and yet they expect others to be nice to them. What are they

thinking? Maybe they need to read "The Selfish Giant" to remind them that

they have lost the way. I know I must realize that not all people live

their lives by this philosophy, but that is still not a reason to treat

others poorly. To quote Rodney King, "Can’t we all just get along?" If

everyone at least attempted to live by this premise, the world, without a

doubt, would be a much nicer place to live.