Dear GIS 3510 Participant,

Welcome to GIS 3510.

You might wish to explore some the links of the class homepage ( For instance, after completing Wk1, Assig. 4, you might want to compare your production to the production of some former students by exploring the Model Assignments link (

If I took your picture, double-click your name under the Student Profiles link to see how it came out. If you don't like what you see, I shall retake your picture next week, if you are there. If I never took your picture, can you come to next Tues class to have it taken? Or can you send me a digital photo of yourself?

Remember, the online feature is optional. The class also meet, live, Tues. 6-9:40 p.m., 113 Rackham. If you need some computer help, or don't like online things, simply come to class on Tues. Also, that would be a good time to get hold of me. But computers are easy, and I shall be happy to teach you how to use them. So, I suspect, by midsemester everyone will be online.

If you need assistance with the computer, etc., call me at 248.427.1957. I shall be away this weekend, but would respond to queries until mid-day Friday. Will be back on board late Monday.

To get in touch with fellow students, explore the List of Class Participants link.

Three assignments are now overdue-see Week 1:

Your personal info

Your personal intro

Summary of Hughes

By next Tues., I shall also need the fourth: Summary of Shep's Hobby.


Snail mail means your MAILING ADDRESS.

The first week online is always the hardest. So don't give up--you will get it, I assure you.

All the best, Moti