Wayne State University

Colllege of Lifelong Learning

GIS 3510:  Assignments Checklist


Due Date: 1st Draft 2nd draft
personal photo 9/8/99
Week 1, #1 Contact Info 9/8/99
Week 1, #2 Personal Intro 9/8
Week 1, #3 Ballad: Sum 9/12
Week 1, #4 Shep: Sum 9/15
Week 2, #1 Giant: Sum 9/26
Astyages: Sum 9/26
Past: Sum 9/26
Week 2, #2 1st interp 9/26
2nd interp 9/26
Week 2, #3 Sentences 1-20 9/26
Week 3, #1 CE 10/3
Assimil 10/3
Weeks 3-4, #2 Lottery: Sum 10/3
Lottery: Int 10/3
Lottery: CE 10/3
Lottery: Assimi 10/3
Weeks 3-4, #3 Sentences 21-40 10/3
Weeks 5-6, #1 Essay Outline 10/14
Weeks 5-6, #2 Essay 10/24
Weeks 7-9, #1 Painting: Sum 11/14
Painting: Interp 11/14
Painting: CE 11/14
Painting: Assimil 11/14
Weeks 7-9, #2 4 Levels or Bk Rev 11/14
If you are satisfied with B grade or LESS for this class, you need not complete the following assignments
Weeks 10-11 Choose your own 11/24
Weeks 12-15 Proposal 11/11
Final submission 12/12