Readings and Videos for ISP 2030/3080

 ISP 2030/3080: Interdisciplinary Studies Seminar

 Fall 2007 (September-December)

Department of Interdisciplinary Studies

Wayne State University


Underlined readings and videos are available by double-clicking.  All other readings can be found in the coursepack   

Cover Page of Coursepack (WORD format) 

Labor Day Celebration:  Bring Back the Eight-Hour Day:     Lyrics     Music

What’s Special about the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies? . . .

Their Way (Bob Blue/Matt Wattroba) . . . Music   Lyrics

Falling Asleep in Class (Kenn Nesbitt) . . . 

Five Levels of Interacting with Texts . . .

A Sample Summary of Levels of Interacting with Texts (Schindler)

Applying the Five Reading Levels to "Yudhishthira's Wisdom" . . .

Kaddo’s Wall (an African folktale). . .

Yudhishthira's Wisdom (adapted from the Indian epic, Mahabaratta)  . . .

Can Grammar be Fun?: A Game with Thirteen Lousy Sentences . . .

If Not Higher (Peretz) . . . 

King David's Crime (Bible). . .

Apostrophe Alert . . .

Your Flag Decal (John Prine) . . .  Music       Lyrics        Video

Dr. Ben Carson, Doctor and Leader . . .

My Father (Asimov) . . .

The Library Card (Wright) . . .

The Good Example (Riva Palacio) . . .

ISP Undergraduate Framework  . . .

Educational Imperatives  . . .

What Makes An Educated Person? . . .

Why Go to College? . . .

What is Intelligence, Anyway? (Asimov) . . .

Week 3: Computer Lab Activities . . ..

The Great Iraq Swindle (Rolling Stones). . . 

The Gossips (Norman Rockwell) . .

The Usefulness of Uselessness (Kitao) . . .

The Stub Book . .

Interdisciplinarity: What, Where, Why? . . . 

Kiswana Browne (Naylor) . . . 

Should I Celebrate Columbus Day? (a writing workshop) . . .

Hero-making, Christopher Columbus (James W. Loewen) . . .

Civil War between Gays and Blacks (Leonard Pitts) . . .

Marriage is a Private Affair (Achebe) . . .

Contents of the Dead Man's Pockets (Finney) . . .

The Fight (Wright) . . .

Icecaps and Hurricanes . . .

The Gossips (Rockwell) . . .

Hotel California (Eagles) . . . Music        Lyrics     Video

One Interpretation of Hotel California (Barbara and David P. Mikkelson ) . . .

A Painful Case (Joyce) . . .

Five Puzzles . . . 

Basic Punctuation Rules  . . .

Advanced Dictionary Skills . . .

Meaning of Words in Context . . .

Documenting Scholarly Essays and Books . . .

WSU’s English Proficiency Examination . . .  Short Tutorial

WSU’s English Proficiency Examination . . .  Long tutorial

A Dream Deferred

Happy Christmas (War is Over): Lyrics    Video

Lives in the Balance (Jackson Browne): Video



Class Handouts:

This Land is Your Land (Guthrie): Music   Lyrics

The Founding Sachems . . .

Geography Quiz . . .

Solutions to Puzzles  . . .

Apostrophe Game  . . .

Deloused 13 Sentences: Some possible solutions . . .

Personalized Teaching Evaluations . . .

Coursepack Receipts . . .

Readings for Pleasure in your Spare Time:  A Few Suggestions . . .



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